Thursday, March 17, 2011

Good Weather

The weather is finally starting to improve, I hope it lasts.  I went on a run last night in shorts and felt great.  Ended up running about 4 miles.  Went back to the pool today, shocker two swims in one week.  I felt better today, the breathing was a lot easier. After a few warm up laps, I swam a 800m and was able maintain a steady pace.  I'm off work tomorrow, the plan is to get the bike outside for the first time this year.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I have been looking for some local races to participate in this year.  It looks like I'm going to do a indoor tri in April, a sprint in May and June, looking for a Olympic distance in July, a sprint in August and thinking about a half marathon in September.

On the trainning front things are going pretty good.  I have been running quite a bit and the legs are starting to feel better.  I have been spinning in the basement, still too cold outside to ride for me.  Looking forward to that first ride outside this year, it shouldn't be much longer.  I was back at the pool today for the first time in a long while.  It felt good, the breathing was a little hard at first.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Getting Started

I started participating in triathlons last year.  I completed two sprint distance races.  When I started trainning I could not even swim 1 complete lap at the pool.  I rode a mountain bike with hybrid tires but could do ok.  I could run 3 miles very slowly.

I feel I did ok being new to triathlon but want to do better this year.  I'm starting to pick up my trainning level for this year.  I have been spinning on my new triathlon bike in the basement and doing some runs outside or on the treadmill but have not been to the pool for a long time.

I'm going to be posting about my workouts and other life things that come up.